
Call: 718-544-7878

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8:00-5:00 Mon-Fri 

DOB & ECB Violation Mitigation

The Department of Buildings (DOB) issues violations to building owners and contractors if inspectors find conditions that do not comply with New York City’s Construction Codes or Zoning Resolutions. All violations we issue are public information and can be viewed online on Buildings Information System (BIS). These violations also appear in property title searches and prevents property owners from selling or financing. 


Environmental Control Board (ECB) Violations

The violation we most commonly issue is a Notice of Violation (NOV) that is settled at the City’s Environmental Control Board. The Environmental Control Board (ECB) is a type of court called an administrative tribunal. It is like a regular court, but it is not part of the State court system.

The NOVs we issue will include a hearing date for when property owner or their representative must appear before a judge at ECB and tell their side of the story. The NOV may also include the date by when the violations must be corrected, which is also known as a “Cure Date.”

Department of Building (DOB) Violations

Internal DOB Violations do not have hearings but have civil penalties attached to them and may accrue interest over time. It is important that violations to be resolved quickly to ensure public safety. To remove a DOB violation from a property record, the condition must be corrected, and proof of that correction must be provided to the issuing unit.

Work Without a Permit Violation

Most of type of construction works need DOB permit, to ensure compliance with Local and State codes. If you hire a contractor and engage in any construction activity without proper plans and permit, even years after completion of the work you may get a violation. The following is a list of common violations for One-Two Family Wood Frame buildings:

•    Making cellars or attics habitable by adding partition walls.
•    Adding kitchens and bathrooms to cellar and renting them out.
•    Illegal conversion of number of dwelling units
•    Extending the building in rear yards.
•    Enclosing open porch or balconies.

To address these kinds of violations, you need to hire a Professional Engineer or a Registered Architected to prepare construction plans to get DOB approval. Upon DOB approval, necessary permits can be pulled out by a licensed contractor and corrective actions can be taken.  
