Call: 718-544-7878

Office Hours:
8:00-5:00 Mon-Fri 

Structural Inspection Service

What is a Structural Inspection Service and how can it help you? The average person or homeowner is not trained to look for the things we look for. Potential problems such as water damage and termites and other household disasters are not easily discoverable to the untrained eye.

Whether you are selling or buying a property or dealing with a contractor, you need an unbiased, professional opinion from a 3rd property who doesn’t have any benefit in your final real estate or renovation decision.

Why are we the best? Because for over 30 years we have not been just inspecting but take pride in designing and building homes in New York City Five Boroughs. As designers, who sign-off New Building Construction or Renovation, we know the impact of specific material or method of construction or how any defect may impact owners in terms of cost or re-sale value.

What to Expect. Our License Professional Engineers in State of New York will survey general condition of your property for any structural deficiency and possibility of repairs and upgrades. All observation will be documented and will be submitted back in written report to you for your final decision.
